Thank you! When you get in front of the judge, I'm your man to show how VAERS has been manipulated by the very institutions entrusted to maintain the system. 1)
They do not publish all legitimate reports. 2) They delete legit report (after publication). 3) They throttle (purposeful delay publishing) reports. 4) They strip critical data before publication (ie: age, state, vax date, death date, etc.).
Thank you! When you get in front of the judge, I'm your man to show how VAERS has been manipulated by the very institutions entrusted to maintain the system. 1)
They do not publish all legitimate reports. 2) They delete legit report (after publication). 3) They throttle (purposeful delay publishing) reports. 4) They strip critical data before publication (ie: age, state, vax date, death date, etc.).